Digital Data

Publications DVD

Ocean Charting Services also provides many publications on a DVD/USB Flash Drive, updated weekly. US Coast Guard policy permits publications to be carried aboard digitally, although some customers prefer the printed versions. The most recent files such as Light Lists, Coast Pilots, and Notices to Mariners from the USCG, NGA, CHS, and the British Admiralty are sent to our client’s vessels along with OCS chart corrections every week. Each DVD/USB Flash Drive contains over 500 different publications, including CFRs, Chart Catalogs, Tide and Current Tables, and select NGA Publications thus eliminating annual replacement costs and several feet of shelf space.

Pilothouses are compact, and storing paper copies of NTMs can be difficult. To save space, OCS supplies DVDs/USB Flash Drives contain 13 months of all NTMs (USCG, NGA & CHS).

(BSB and S57 formats)

Digital Chart Updates from NOAA

OCS provides updates to digital NOAA charts in either BSB raster and S57 vector formats for electronic navigation systems.

Standing Chart Orders & Canadian Publications

While OCS’s main focus is chart corrections, and Light Lists / Coast Pilot updates, we do offer new chart sales and replacements. This gives you a single point of contact for all chart inventories, replacements and updates.

Chart Editions – Standing Order

Many of our customers have a “standing order” for new chart editions. We monitor a vessel’s complete chart inventory; when a new chart edition is released, it is printed and automatically sent to the vessel. Individual charts need not be ordered.

Individual Chart Replacements

OCS provides replacements for worn or damaged charts, or additions to a vessel’s chart inventory. Print- On-Demand charts are completely up-to-date with all corrections as of their order date.

Canadian Publications

List of Lights and CHS Notice to Mariners

Corrections to the CHS List of Lights are made in the same way as for the Coast Pilot & Light Lists, i.e. by replacing the original pages with updated pages and providing a Record of Changes. CHS Notice to Mariners can also be provided.

U.S. Coast Guard

Allows the Use of Digital Publications

In 2015 OCS began to provide digital updates to many government publications. Weekly DVDs or USB flash drives may be sent in lieu of the printed updates formatted as replacement pages.